Why is it that some of us think so much of others but not much of ourselves?
Maybe because we’ve allowed so many negative messages about ourselves to enter our heads over the years since childhood, but for some reason we don’t think anyone else could have had the same experience.
In our minds, everyone else is living well and oh so happy. Everyone else is just great! But we can’t see the greatness in ourselves.

The truth is that everyone else around us is probably going through the same stuff. But because we think everyone ELSE is awesome and perfect, we will do more for them and pay more attention to them than our own selves. How twisted is that?
Women do this the most by far.
Do you downgrade yourself when talking about yourself but uplift and support everyone else?
Are you always coming to the rescue of others but don’t think you’re worthy or important enough to help yourself?
Do you minimize your own light to let the light of others to shine brighter?
This can apply to something as seemingly minor as neglecting to tell people that it’s your birthday. Are you the type of person who will hold back from telling people that it’s your birthday, on the day of your birthday, for fear of seeming “narcissistic” or self serving? I used to be one of those people, but now I am more than happy to tell everyone who will listen that it’s my b-day or that it’s coming up soon. Yes! This was the day that the awesome human being that is ME came to be. Celebrate with me baby!
And guess what? I get gifts, birthday wishes and special dinner offers when I do that!
So here is the question of this post:
How can you be everything to everyone else when you’re nothing to yourself?
The answer is that you can’t. No way possible. Even people who have sky high self-esteem and self-worth know that it’s impossible to please or help everyone.
Take care of yourself! I can’t stress this enough. It’s admirable to want to help others but it’s only truly EFFECTIVE when you’re mentally, emotionally, physically and financially healthy first.
Love Lynn